```In [ ]
# 查看当前挂载的数据集目录, 该目录下的变更重启环境后会自动还原
# View dataset directory. 
# This directory will be recovered automatically after resetting environment. 
!ls /home/aistudio/data
In [ ]
# 查看工作区文件, 该目录下的变更将会持久保存. 请及时清理不必要的文件, 避免加载过慢.
# View personal work directory. 
# All changes under this directory will be kept even after reset. 
# Please clean unnecessary files in time to speed up environment loading. 
!ls /home/aistudio/work
In [ ]
# 如果需要进行持久化安装, 需要使用持久化路径, 如下方代码示例:
# If a persistence installation is required, 
# you need to use the persistence path as the following: 
!mkdir /home/aistudio/external-libraries
!pip install beautifulsoup4 -t /home/aistudio/external-libraries
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# 同时添加如下代码, 这样每次环境(kernel)启动的时候只要运行下方代码即可: 
# Also add the following code, 
# so that every time the environment (kernel) starts, 
# just run the following code: 
import sys 

Please click here for more detailed instructions.

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