



     为达成GPU设备上的高推理效率,所提RTFormer采用了线性复杂度的GPU友好注意力模块,同时消除了多头机制。此外,作者发现:跨注意力机制对于全局上下文信息聚合非常有效。多个主流基准数据集(Cityscapes, CamVid, COCOStuff, ADE20K)上的实验结果验证了所提RTFormer的有效性。下图给出了CAMVid数据集上不同方案的性能与推理速度对比,很明显:RTFormer具有最佳的性能-速度均衡。




     1. 现有注意力机制的计算属性对于GPU设备不够友好,如二次复杂度、多头机制

     2. 仅在高分辨率特征图实施注意力可能并非最有效捕获长距离上下文关系的方案,这是因为高分辨率特征的单个特征向量的感受野非常有限






     主要贡献: (1)它使得矩阵乘操作成为一体且非常适合于GPU设备;(2)它在某种程度上了保持了多头机制的优势。






class ExternalAttention(nn.Layer):
   def __init__(self, ...)
   def _act_sn(self, x):
       x = x.reshape([-1, self.inter_channels, 0, 0]) * (self.inter_channels ** -0.5)
       x = F.softmax(x, axis=1)
       x = x.reshape([1, -1, 0, 0])
   def _act_dn(self, x):
       x_shape = paddle.shape(x)
       h, w = x_shape[2], x_shape[3]
       x = x.reshape([0, self.num_heads, self.inter_channels //self.num_heads, -1])
       x = F.softmax(x, axis=3)
       x = x / (paddle.sum(x, axis=2, keepdim=True) + 1e-06)
       x = x.reshape([0, self.inter_channels, h, w])
   def forward(self, x, cross_k=None, cross_v=None):
       x = self.norm(x)
       if not self.use_cross_kv:
           x = F.conv2d(x, self.k, bias=None, stride=2 if not self.same_in_out_chs else 1, padding=0) 
           x = self._act_dn(x)  # n,c_inter,h,w
           x = F.conv2d(x, self.v, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0)
           B = x.shape[0]
           x = x.reshape([1, -1, 0, 0])  # n,c_in,h,w -> 1,n*c_in,h,w
           x = F.conv2d(x, cross_k, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, groups=B)  
           x = self._act_sn(x)
           x = F.conv2d(x, cross_v, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, groups=B)  
           x = x.reshape([-1, self.in_channels, 0, 0]) 
        return x   
class RTFormer(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, ...):
    def forward(self, x):
        x1 = self.layer1(self.conv1(x))
        x2 = self.layer2(self.relu(x1))
        # stage-3
        x3 = self.layer3(self.relu(x2))
        x3_ = x2 + F.interpolate(self.compression3(x3), size=paddle.shape(x2)[2:], mode='bilienar')
        x3_ = self.layer3_(self.relu(x3_))
        # stage-4与stage-5的计算流程类似stage-3
        x4_ = ...
        x5_ = ...
        # SegHead, DAPPM
        x6 = self.spp(x5)
        x6 = x6 + F.interpolate(x6, size=paddle.shape(x5_), mode='bilinear')
        x_out = self.seghead(paddle.concat([x5_, x6], axis=1))
        return F.interpolate(x_out, paddle.shape(x)[2:], mode='bilinear')


%cd data/
!unzip -d ./ data21637/ADE20K.zip
%cd /home/aistudio/PaddleSeg/
!pip install -r requirements.txt
!python setup.py install
!python val.py --config configs/rtformer/rtformer_base_ade20k_512x512_160k.yml --model_path https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/ade20k/rtformer_base_ade20k_512x512_160k/model.pdparams
2022-10-24 23:54:30 [INFO]	
---------------Config Information---------------
batch_size: 4
  - keep_ratio: true
    size_divisor: 32
    - 2048
    - 512
    type: Resize
  - mean:
    - 0.485
    - 0.456
    - 0.406
    - 0.229
    - 0.224
    - 0.225
    type: Normalize
iters: 160000
  - 1
  - 0.4
  - type: CrossEntropyLoss
  end_lr: 1.0e-07
  learning_rate: 0.0001
  power: 1.0
  type: PolynomialDecay
  warmup_iters: 1500
  warmup_start_lr: 1.0e-06
  base_channels: 64
  drop_path_rate: 0.1
  head_channels: 128
  in_channels: 3
  num_classes: 150
  pretrained: https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/backbone/rtformer_base_backbone_imagenet_pretrained.zip
  type: RTFormer
  - true
  - false
  beta1: 0.9
  beta2: 0.999
  type: AdamW
  weight_decay: 0.05
  dataset_root: /home/aistudio/data/ADEChallengeData2016/
  mode: train
  - max_scale_factor: 2.0
    min_scale_factor: 0.5
    scale_step_size: 0.25
    type: ResizeStepScaling
  - crop_size:
    - 512
    - 512
    type: RandomPaddingCrop
  - type: RandomHorizontalFlip
  - brightness_range: 0.4
    contrast_range: 0.4
    saturation_range: 0.4
    type: RandomDistort
  - mean:
    - 0.485
    - 0.456
    - 0.406
    - 0.229
    - 0.224
    - 0.225
    type: Normalize
  type: ADE20K
  dataset_root: /home/aistudio/data/ADEChallengeData2016/
  mode: val
  - keep_ratio: true
    size_divisor: 32
    - 2048
    - 512
    type: Resize
  - mean:
    - 0.485
    - 0.456
    - 0.406
    - 0.229
    - 0.224
    - 0.225
    type: Normalize
  type: ADE20K
W1024 23:54:30.952924  2381 gpu_resources.cc:61] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 11.2, Runtime API Version: 11.2
W1024 23:54:30.952975  2381 gpu_resources.cc:91] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.2.
2022-10-24 23:54:32 [INFO]	Loading pretrained model from https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/backbone/rtformer_base_backbone_imagenet_pretrained.zip
Connecting to https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/backbone/rtformer_base_backbone_imagenet_pretrained.zip
Downloading rtformer_base_backbone_imagenet_pretrained.zip
[==================================================] 100.00%
Uncompress rtformer_base_backbone_imagenet_pretrained.zip
[==================================================] 100.00%
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale1.1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale1.1.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale1.1._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale1.1._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale1.3.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale2.1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale2.1.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale2.1._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale2.1._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale2.3.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale3.1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale3.1.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale3.1._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale3.1._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale3.3.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale4.1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale4.1.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale4.1._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale4.1._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale4.3.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale0.0.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale0.0.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale0.0._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale0.0._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.scale0.2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process1.0.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process1.0.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process1.0._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process1.0._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process1.2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process2.0.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process2.0.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process2.0._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process2.0._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process2.2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process3.0.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process3.0.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process3.0._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process3.0._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process3.2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process4.0.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process4.0.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process4.0._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process4.0._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.process4.2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.compression.0.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.compression.0.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.compression.0._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.compression.0._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.compression.2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.shortcut.0.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.shortcut.0.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.shortcut.0._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.shortcut.0._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	spp.shortcut.2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn1.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn1._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn1._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.conv1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn2.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn2._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.bn2._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.conv2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead.conv2.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn1.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn1._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn1._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.conv1.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn2.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn2._mean is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.bn2._variance is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.conv2.weight is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:34 [WARNING]	seghead_extra.conv2.bias is not in pretrained model
2022-10-24 23:54:35 [INFO]	There are 184/261 variables loaded into RTFormer.
2022-10-24 23:54:35 [INFO]	Loading pretrained model from https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/ade20k/rtformer_base_ade20k_512x512_160k/model.pdparams
Connecting to https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/ade20k/rtformer_base_ade20k_512x512_160k/model.pdparams
Downloading model.pdparams
[==================================================] 100.00%
2022-10-24 23:54:36 [INFO]	There are 261/261 variables loaded into RTFormer.
2022-10-24 23:54:36 [INFO]	Loaded trained params of model successfully
2022-10-24 23:54:36 [INFO]	Start evaluating (total_samples: 2000, total_iters: 2000)...
2000/2000 [==============================] - 233s 117ms/step - batch_cost: 0.1165 - reader cost: 2.6616e-04
2022-10-24 23:58:30 [INFO]	[EVAL] #Images: 2000 mIoU: 0.4202 Acc: 0.7998 Kappa: 0.7848 Dice: 0.5593
2022-10-24 23:58:30 [INFO]	[EVAL] Class IoU: 
[0.7296 0.7938 0.9383 0.7793 0.7149 0.8047 0.8167 0.8554 0.5648 0.654
 0.5531 0.617  0.757  0.3068 0.404  0.5337 0.5422 0.4496 0.6809 0.5076
 0.8116 0.5159 0.6482 0.5795 0.3588 0.3309 0.5502 0.5389 0.5428 0.2478
 0.3292 0.5039 0.3498 0.3988 0.3631 0.4947 0.562  0.6764 0.3366 0.4716
 0.2512 0.1639 0.4084 0.3022 0.3719 0.3542 0.2735 0.6217 0.59   0.6838
 0.6032 0.3909 0.1998 0.2861 0.6989 0.3906 0.9169 0.4607 0.4942 0.2799
 0.1224 0.483  0.3572 0.3354 0.5314 0.7955 0.2614 0.4505 0.0416 0.3651
 0.5572 0.651  0.4797 0.2642 0.5435 0.4192 0.5963 0.276  0.5266 0.2991
 0.7662 0.5612 0.424  0.1681 0.2262 0.6142 0.179  0.1722 0.3547 0.6268
 0.4608 0.0781 0.2804 0.1483 0.0057 0.0845 0.2348 0.3025 0.1298 0.3377
 0.2877 0.1106 0.3147 0.4934 0.1574 0.6972 0.1958 0.4509 0.0765 0.3081
 0.2897 0.3657 0.198  0.6256 0.8161 0.0888 0.6474 0.827  0.2447 0.4364
 0.5342 0.0459 0.2872 0.191  0.3214 0.3619 0.4993 0.5169 0.5379 0.5373
 0.6439 0.0945 0.3429 0.4754 0.3667 0.2653 0.2008 0.0411 0.29   0.4778
 0.3486 0.0043 0.3989 0.3567 0.3718 0.     0.4519 0.0771 0.1946 0.2957]
2022-10-24 23:58:30 [INFO]	[EVAL] Class Precision: 
[0.8293 0.8534 0.9677 0.8615 0.7968 0.8865 0.9119 0.9015 0.703  0.7697
 0.7205 0.7495 0.8201 0.521  0.6394 0.6801 0.6855 0.6969 0.8259 0.6811
 0.8798 0.6907 0.7501 0.6968 0.5208 0.5468 0.6318 0.7628 0.7908 0.385
 0.4991 0.6248 0.5658 0.5604 0.5218 0.6497 0.741  0.8571 0.534  0.6645
 0.4917 0.4177 0.6872 0.525  0.5066 0.6017 0.4195 0.7764 0.768  0.7569
 0.7383 0.5253 0.3847 0.593  0.7453 0.5458 0.9436 0.7504 0.6457 0.576
 0.2813 0.7471 0.5851 0.6653 0.6217 0.8773 0.3792 0.5884 0.1026 0.5766
 0.6891 0.8524 0.622  0.3301 0.7507 0.6057 0.8412 0.6392 0.8833 0.5756
 0.8503 0.7686 0.7812 0.3535 0.4904 0.7559 0.4981 0.4423 0.8261 0.8019
 0.6184 0.1149 0.4884 0.4074 0.0196 0.247  0.6647 0.6068 0.2687 0.7113
 0.5268 0.2914 0.6267 0.8315 0.9184 0.7498 0.7371 0.6113 0.2787 0.5241
 0.5363 0.4909 0.5245 0.8022 0.8225 0.3417 0.8096 0.8575 0.3379 0.6366
 0.7054 0.2658 0.7805 0.6391 0.7348 0.6842 0.7164 0.6935 0.7441 0.7517
 0.7496 0.4958 0.5997 0.8295 0.7244 0.4825 0.3627 0.0768 0.4863 0.708
 0.5538 0.0084 0.6492 0.6546 0.564  0.     0.7816 0.4388 0.4913 0.8068]
2022-10-24 23:58:30 [INFO]	[EVAL] Class Recall: 
[0.8586 0.9191 0.9686 0.8909 0.8744 0.8971 0.8866 0.9436 0.7419 0.8131
 0.7042 0.7772 0.9078 0.4275 0.5233 0.7126 0.7217 0.5589 0.795  0.6659
 0.9129 0.6708 0.8268 0.7749 0.5357 0.456  0.8099 0.6474 0.6338 0.4102
 0.4916 0.7226 0.4782 0.5803 0.5443 0.6746 0.6993 0.7623 0.4767 0.619
 0.3393 0.2124 0.5017 0.416  0.5831 0.4627 0.4399 0.7573 0.718  0.8762
 0.7673 0.6043 0.2936 0.3561 0.9182 0.5789 0.9701 0.544  0.678  0.3525
 0.1782 0.5774 0.4784 0.4035 0.7853 0.8951 0.4569 0.6578 0.0654 0.4989
 0.7443 0.7337 0.677  0.5696 0.6632 0.5764 0.6719 0.327  0.5659 0.3837
 0.8856 0.6753 0.4811 0.2427 0.2957 0.7662 0.2183 0.2199 0.3833 0.7417
 0.6439 0.1958 0.397  0.1891 0.0079 0.1139 0.2663 0.3763 0.2006 0.3913
 0.388  0.1513 0.3873 0.5482 0.1597 0.9086 0.2105 0.632  0.0953 0.4277
 0.3864 0.589  0.2412 0.7397 0.9906 0.1072 0.7637 0.9588 0.4701 0.5812
 0.6877 0.0525 0.3124 0.2142 0.3636 0.4345 0.6223 0.67   0.6599 0.6533
 0.8203 0.1045 0.4447 0.5269 0.4262 0.3709 0.3103 0.0811 0.418  0.5951
 0.4847 0.0087 0.5085 0.4394 0.5217 0.     0.5173 0.0855 0.2437 0.3182]
2022-10-24 23:58:30 [WARNING]	This `val.py`  will be removed in version 2.8, please use `tools/val.py`.

     MIOU为 42.02%与论文中一致。

!python train.py --config configs/rtformer/rtformer_base_ade20k_512x512_160k.yml --do_eval --use_vdl --save_interval 500 --save_dir output
!python tools/predict.py --config configs/rtformer/rtformer_base_ade20k_512x512_160k.yml \
                         --image_path /home/aistudio/ADE_val_00000010.jpg \
                         --model_path https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/ade20k/rtformer_base_ade20k_512x512_160k/model.pdparams
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  
from PIL import Image 
import numpy as np 
import cv2

ori_image = np.asarray(Image.open("/home/aistudio/ADE_val_00000010.jpg"))
pred_result = np.asarray(Image.open("/home/aistudio/PaddleSeg/output/result/pseudo_color_prediction/ADE_val_00000010.png").convert("RGB"))






1、将多头注意力替换为External attention提升计算速度同时保持性能;








学大模型,用大模型上飞桨星河社区!每天8点V100G算力免费领!免费领取ERNIE 4.0 100w Token >>>
